John Dumelo on the future of agriculture on the African Continent

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“Around 660 million people may still face hunger in 2030.”

Food and agriculture organization (FAO)

Agripreneur, John Dumelo has publicly expressed his concerns about the current state of agriculture in Africa and it’s bearings on food security now and in the future.

He said,

  • “By 2050, Africa’s population would have doubled from the present 1.2bn to about 2.4bn people. That’s in 29 years.”
  • “What are we doing to ensure we grow enough to feed ourselves?”
  • “What is the future of agriculture on the African continent?”

Questions that need actionable answers and fast.

Food insecurity has been one of the main concerns of the African continent and the world for that matter.

Currently, the world is at a critical juncture when it comes to food security and there is a need to reimagine solutions that will help tackle or at best reduce it significantly.

In 2020, between 720 and 811 million people faced hunger

FAO, 2021

The FAO defines food security as “When all people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life”

Currently, 18 out of 54 African countries have reached the Millennium Development Goals 1C that seeks to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger.

Food insecurity is a multidimensional problem


It is a problem that is linked to healthcare, conflicts, policies, politics, leadership, strategic vision, trade and economic interests, agricultural production, food system, global food industry trade politics, and the environment.

It requires a synergy of efforts on all sides, all spaces and all facets of human engagement to really address it.

Mr Dumelo continued by saying we needed to invest heavily in technology. “We(Africa) can’t keep using hoe and cutlass and expect maximum productivity.”

“We also need to invest in high yielding and disease resistant varieties of crops. The Agro industry is worth billions of dollars and we need to cash in”.

“In 2030, the number of people facing hunger may be close to double the current population of the United States or triple that of Brazil.”


Below are some suggestions by the general public on the way to go:

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