The climate smart agriculture field day

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The Atiwa East Department of Agriculture organized a Climate Smart Agriculture Field Day.

Climate Change, the change in the normal climate of the planet with respect to temperature, rainfall, and wind that are especially caused by human activities is still one of banes in global agriculture. These changes have increased the need for climate smart driven agriculture. 

Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) is an integrated approach to managing landscapes—cropland, livestock, forests, and fisheries–that address the interlinked challenges of food security and climate change.

In Ghana, the contribution of agriculture to Ghana’s economy has been reducing to about 21% in 2015.

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) projects that in 20 years, the productivity and incomes from smallholder crop, livestock, fishery, and forestry production systems will be key to achieving global food security.

The Atiwa East Department of Agriculture organized a Field Day for Farmers to demonstrate a technology that introduces an intervention to effectively reduce the effect of climate change on agriculture.

Facilitator addressing farmers

A vegetable farmer under the directives and supervision of Mr. James Obeng Boateng, an Agricultural Extension Agent with the Department of Agriculture, raised ridges on a farm prone to water-logging and flood for the planting of Garden Eggs.

Mr. Obeng Boateng said that the ridges ensured that there was enough space for water passage while affording the garden eggs just about the needed water for its growth.

He explained that climate change had caused major changes in the trends of agriculture and smart technologies were needed to keep up with the demands of productivity.

The Farmer endorsed the technology and expressed deep confidence in the education of climate-smart technologies provided through the department’s extension delivery.

He said that in time past all he had planted would have been lost because of the unpredictable rain patterns and the flood.

Other farmers had the opportunity to ask questions and contribute to the subject.

The Atiwa East District Director of Agriculture, Mr. Samuel Ofosu advised farmers to adapt to the changing patterns and take the education offered by the Department seriously.

He admitted that most farmers had rich experience in farming but was quick to point out that times have changed and most of their experiences needed to be amended to meet current and changing environmental differences.

Do you know about the Climate Change Conference of Parties?

Click here to read all about it.


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